United Methodist Communications
Office of Public Information
January 30, 2019
Nashville, Tenn. –United Methodist Communications has launched a new advertising campaign that seeks to inspire church members and leaders to feel encouraged, assured and hopeful about the future of the denomination.
"The Movement Continues" campaign reminds us that the foundation of The United Methodist Church has always been to follow God's call of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
"This campaign is an important reminder that the church will continue in our mission no matter how it might be structured or what the outcome of the 2019 Special Session may be," said Dan Krause, chief executive of United Methodist Communications. "God calls us in various ways, and we have responded throughout the church's history, up until the present day and into the future. Our call does not change."
The ads use a series of verbs to focus attention on how we respond to God's call: worship, love, pray, praise, serve, build, connect, teach, grow, heal, share, or study. For example, "Moved to worship--our response to God's call continues. The foundation of The United Methodist Church has always been to follow God's call of making disciples of Jesus Christ. We do that in many ways and many places. Yesterday. Today. Forever."
The new ads appear online, in various church publications and at the event venue for the 2019 Special Session in St. Louis.

A companion to the advertising is "The Movement Continues" website at UMC.org/movement. This site offers visitors an opportunity to read and watch stories of United Methodists responding to their own calls and learn more about our Wesleyan heritage as the people of The United Methodist Church.
In addition, the page offers resources for local churches and annual conferences to use, including downloadable versions of the ads formatted for use in social media, web banners and church bulletins. Get resources by going to http://www.UMC.org/movement and click on "download free resources."
Media contact:
Diane Degnan
[email protected]
615-742-5406 (w)
615-483-1765 (c)