Bishops prepare for 2019 GC; issue statements on immigration, racism

Bishop Minerva Carcaño, chair of the COB Immigration Task Force, presents the report and statement about immigration caravans during the plenary session at Epworth By the Sea on St. Simon's Island in Georgia. Photo by Maidstone Mulenga.
Bishop Minerva Carcaño, chair of the COB Immigration Task Force, presents the report and statement about immigration caravans during the plenary session at Epworth By the Sea on St. Simon's Island in Georgia. Photo by Maidstone Mulenga.
Bishop Eduard Khegay leads fellow bishops in prayer at the close of the Council of Bishops meeting at Epworth By the Sea on St. Simons Island, Georgia. Photo by Maidstone Mulenga.
Bishop Eduard Khegay leads fellow bishops in prayer at the close of the Council of Bishops meeting at Epworth By the Sea on St. Simons Island, Georgia. Photo by Maidstone Mulenga.

For Immediate Release
November 07, 2018

ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Georgia - The Council of Bishops ended its November 2018 meeting by taking the following actions, among other decisions:

  • Released a Narrative of Our Leadership, describing the work that bishops have done since 2016 and leading up to the 2019 Special Session of General Conference.
  • Adopted a statement from the Ebony Bishops, calling on the church to take a stance against racism and white privilege in the United States.
  • Affirmed Global AIDS Day, and asked bishops to promote the advance special for United Methodist Global AIDS Fund (Advance #982345) and find ways to promote World AIDS Day which is December 1.
  • Approved replacements to fill gap on the General Conference committees for the 2019 Special Session to be held in February. 
  • Approved creating a writing team to pen a pastoral letter to the global LGBTQ+ community.
  • Approved a statement from the Immigration Task Force regarding Central American Migrant Caravans, calling on governments to treat these migrants in ways that recognize and respect their God-given humanity with compassion and dignity. 
  • Affirmed COB President Bishop Ken Carter as the preacher for the opening worship service at the 2019 General Conference.
  • Approved a proposal from the Connectional Table and United Methodist Communications to reword the language of the Four Areas of Focus.


Media Contact: Rev. Dr. Maidstone Mulenga
Director of Communications – Council of Bishops
The United Methodist Church
[email protected]

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