Children's books to support mental wellness

First United Methodist Church in Holland, Mich., created a children's library of more than 70 titles with topics ranging from talking about our feelings to navigating learning difficulties. Photo courtesy of Jill DeJonge, FUMC Holland.
First United Methodist Church in Holland, Mich., created a children's library of more than 70 titles with topics ranging from talking about our feelings to navigating learning difficulties. Photo courtesy of Jill DeJonge, FUMC Holland.

Because God created us as whole beings, achieving optimal mental wellness is as important as being physically and spiritually healthy, even for children.

The Mental Health Ministry Team at First United Methodist Church in Holland, Mich., created a children’s library containing more than 70 titles with topics ranging from talking about our feelings to adoption to navigating learning difficulties. Take a look at a few of the books in the collection, with many from authors Diane Alber and Mary Nhin.

“A Little Spot Emotion Coach,” “A Little Spot of Anger: A Story about Managing Big Emotions,” A Little Peaceful Spot” are among the books written by Alber. Discover more Alber titles about emotions here.

"Anxious Ninja" by May Nhin is one of numerous children's books, using the ninja character, that Nhin has authored about navigating life. Using the ninja character, Nhin has authored numerous kids books about navigating life, including “Angry Ninja,” “Sensory Ninja” and “Neurodivergent Ninja,” and “Compassionate Ninja.” A full list of Nhin’s books can be found here.

"A Church for All" by Gayle E. Pitman and Illustrated by Laure Fournier celebrates a spiritual community that embraces all people.Other notable books include “Big Feelings (An All Are Welcome Book),” about identifying emotions; “A Terrible Thing Happened,” which addresses children who have experienced trauma, and “A Church for All,” about acceptance.

This article was published on May 17, 2024. Contact is Joe Iovino, United Methodist Communications.

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