100% of your UM Student Day donation goes to scholarships for students?
Every year, GBHEM awards an average of $5.5 million in financial aid to United Methodist students. These funds are truly an investment in the future. Every dollar spent goes towards supporting and educating a new generation of principled Christian leaders for the church and the world. We are blessed to support thousands of students through scholarships, but we would like to do more. Our funds are limited, and every awards cycle we end up with a large pool of qualified candidates who we are unable to help because there was no money left to give. You can help us change that! Donate now and help more students answer God’s call to higher education.
United Methodist Student Day was the original Special Sunday created by United Methodist Church Sunday Schools who collected offerings to help advance education for their children. The fund was originally established in 1872 as the Children's Fund. Today United Methodist Student Day Sunday has the same purpose, calling upon the denomination to support their students as they prepare for life by adding knowledge to their faith. The funds received from the offering underwrite scholarships for United Methodist students. Currently, there are over 70 scholarships available for United Methodist students. The fund is administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM). Students can apply for scholarships at gbhem.org/scholarships.