The Ministerial Education Fund is the basic financial source to prepare and educate our UM clergy? is over 50 years old?
The purpose of the fund is to enable the Church to unify and expand its program of financial support for the recruitment and education of ordained and diaconal ministers and to equip the Annual Conferences to meet increased demands in this area. It supports programs that encourage men and women to respond to the call to ordained ministry, continuing-education opportunities for pastors across the connection and course-of-study education for local pastors. The Ministerial Education Fund is at the heart of preparing people for making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The Ministerial Education Fund was established by action of the 1968 General Conference. It is nurtured and funded by United Methodists to provide vitally needed scholarships through annual conferences, essential funds for the support of our 13 United Methodist seminaries in the United States, programs that encourage men and women to respond to the call to ordained ministry, continuing-education opportunities for pastors across the connection and course-of-study education for local pastors. Every clergyperson who has served in The United Methodist Church over the past 50 years has been shaped in part by the ministries and institutions supported by the Ministerial Education Fund.