UM World Service Funds address poverty and ministry with the poor?
Vital congregations reflect God's transforming love into their communities and around the world. As United Methodists, we will challenge and transform broken systems and structures that create and perpetuate poverty. Leveraging connections and partnerships within and beyond The United Methodist Church, we can transform communities and open doors for children to a more promising future. Through the apportioned giving through the World Service Fund we envision the people called United Methodists engaging in at least 400 partnerships that focus on ministry with poor people and communities.
The World Service Fund is one of seven apportioned funds of The United Methodist Church and is the cornerstone for the funding of the connectional system of the United Methodist Church. The World Service Fund provides basic financial support to general agencies, which are especially important to the common vision, mission, and ministry of The United Methodist Church. Through World Service funding, agencies support annual conferences and local congregations in living out God's mission for the worldwide Church. General agencies also provide essential services and ministries beyond the scope of individual local congregations and annual conferences through services and ministries that are highly focused, flexible, and capable of rapid response.