UM World Service Funds help create new places of worship for new people?
Creating new, vital, faith communities is critical to the task of making new disciples and transforming the world. One of the four areas of focus for the Church is to create and sustain new places for new people with a vision of 1,000,000 new disciples who profess their faith through renewed and new faith communities around the world. A faith community is a group that gathers under the lordship of Jesus Christ to worship, engage, and send. It is within faith communities that we receive new disciples through professions of faith and increase professions of faith. Some of this work is accomplished through the World Service apportioned funds.
The World Service Fund is one of seven apportioned funds of The United Methodist Church and is the cornerstone for the funding of the connectional system of the United Methodist Church. The World Service Fund provides basic financial support to general agencies, which are especially important to the common vision, mission, and ministry of The United Methodist Church. Through World Service funding, agencies support annual conferences and local congregations in living out God's mission for the worldwide Church. General agencies also provide essential services and ministries beyond the scope of individual local congregations and annual conferences through services and ministries that are highly focused, flexible, and capable of rapid response.