World Communion Sunday supports education, training and mentoring efforts?
The General Board of Higher Education (GBHEM) receives a portion of the World Communion offering to support scholarship programs. In addition to financial assistance for higher education, many of the scholarships incorporate training and mentor programs to enhance self-awareness and develop interview skills. Recipients are mentored into their calling the entire time they receive the scholarship. Mentor and training programs are through leaders from GBHEM and other areas in the denomination.
United Methodist churches observe World Communion Sunday on the first Sunday in October. The observance focuses the attention of United Methodists on the universal and inclusive nature of the church. Offerings collected in United Methodist churches on World Communion Sunday are used to fund scholarships for young scholars and seminarians. Donations equip racial and ethnic-minority students in the United States and international students to transform the church and communities. Half of the proceeds from the offering is for World Communion Sunday Scholars administered by the General Board of Global Ministries. The remaining half is to be used for the Ethnic Scholarship Program and the Ethnic In-Service Training Program, which are administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.