'Dismantling Racism' Events

Dismantling Racism is an initiative of The United Methodist Church.
Dismantling Racism is an initiative of The United Methodist Church.

Around the connection, United Methodists have gathered online and in-person to confront issues of racism.

Learn more.

Panel Discussions

Visit our Panel Discussion page

Doctrine of Discovery, November 18

Intersectionality, October 28

Voter Suppression, October 7

The Theological Roots of Racism: September 16

Emerging Leaders: August 26

Seasoned Leaders: August 19

Looking Back to Move Forward: July 1

Videos from Other Events


September 26: Multi-denominational Day of Prayer, (United Methodist Men)


August 27: Faith Talks: Voter Guides & Voter Suppression, (United Methodist Women)

July 1, 2020 Dismantling Racism Town Hall featured United Methodist experts. Screenshot of video.  
Our July 1 Town Hall featured experts talking about the history of racism in the United States and The United Methodist Church.


July 30: Blackness and Anti-Blackness 101 webinar, (Louisiana Conference)

July 23: Faith Talks podcast webinar, (United Methodist Women)

July 23: White Fragility/White Supremacy webinar, (Louisiana Conference)

July 17: How to be an Ally: Anti-Racist Action and Reaction, (Greater New Jersey Conference)

July 16: An Interview with Rev. Dr. Ron Bell by Rev. Natasha Murray and Rev. Mark Norman, (Arkansas Conference)

July 15: Whiteness 101 webinar, (Louisiana Conference)


June 25: Prophetic Speech: An Anti-Racism Workshop, (Glendale UMC, Nashville, TN)

June 24: Denominational Worship Service: A service of lament 

June 19: Bishops' Juneteenth Announcement, (Council of Bishops)

June 13: National Day of Prayer for United Methodist Men

June 9: Navigating 2 Viruses: Regathering in the Midst of Racism and Pandemic, (Discipleship Ministries)

June 8: A Time of Prayer and Reflection, (General Commission on Finance & Administration)

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