February AIDS Webinar Focuses on Racial Disparities

February AIDS Webinar Focuses on Racial Disparities
February AIDS Webinar Focuses on Racial Disparities

January 26, 2021

The United Methodist Global AIDS Committee (UMGAC) has announced the theme and panelists for their next webinar on February 1, 2021, at 2:00 PM ET. 

Racial Disparities, HIV & AIDS will be the theme for the panel which supports the United Methodist Dismantling Racism initiative, a multi-level effort to initiate a sustained and coordinated effort to dismantle racism and promote collective action to work toward racial justice.

Racial disparities are abundantly evident when assessing HIV and AIDS statistics regarding health care, education, and housing in the United States. We have also witnessed those disparities in the COVID pandemic. Panelists will discuss how we can better understand these disparities and work to ameliorate them, as well as how the church can respond to these realities. 

The moderator and the panelists are as follows:

  • Linda Bales Todd – UMGAC Consultant
    • A founding member of the UMC Global AIDS Committee since 2004
    • Former Women & Children's Advocate at the UMC General Board of Church & Society
    • Author of numerous articles on HIV & AIDS particularly on how women & children are impacted
    • Life-long Methodist

  • Kimberlin Dennis - Shaker Heights, OH
    • 15-year survivor of HIV/AIDS
    • 4-year survivor of breast cancer
    • Head of nonprofit organization, Ministry of Hope
    • In-demand speaker in schools, churches and other areas
  • William Booth - Dayton, OH
    • 18-year African-American long-term HIV survivor.
    • Ohio organizer/mobilizer for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the largest global AIDS organization.
    • National HIV/AIDS advocate, educator and activist

  • Dr. Ulysses Burley, III - Chicago, IL
    • Founder of UBtheCURE, LLC, a consulting company on the intersection of Faith, Health and Human Rights.
    • Served as a member of the U.S. Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) from 2015-2017.
    • Internationally renowned speaker, author on topics including HIV/AIDS policy, LGBTQIA, gender and racial justice, and food, security, and peace in the Middle East.

"John Wesley urged his followers to ‘Do no harm, do good and stay in love with God.’ Racism violates all of those statements and creates devastating divisions between and among God's people," states Linda Bales Todd, UMGAC Consultant. "People of color living with HIV can experience heavy burdens when faced with stigma about the virus as well as endemic racism resulting in inequities throughout society. UMGAC wants to shine a light on those inequities and ways we, as followers of Christ, can create a more just society for all." 

This is the second in a series of webinars planned for the coming months to educate, support, and advocate for those affected by HIV/AIDS. The complimentary session will be made available online through Facebook.com/UMCglobalaidsfund and archived on their website.

The United Methodist Global AIDS Committee – established by the 2004 General Conference of The United Methodist Church – has sought to strengthen the church’s compassionate response to those affected with HIV/AIDS by helping to stem the tide of the pandemic through education and advocacy. Subsequent free webinars will be held April 1 and June 1 of 2021.


About the United Methodist Global AIDS Committee
The United Methodist Global AIDS Committee (UMGAC) provides resources and training to annual conferences and local churches, engaging them in HIV and AIDS education and advocacy. This work reduces stigma and provides greater opportunity for welcoming all people into the church. The committee, chaired by Bishop Julius Trimble, is comprised of members from the Council of Bishops, Discipleship Ministries, General Board of Church and Society, General Board of Global Ministries, United Methodist Communications and United Methodist Women.


Media Contact:
Aaron Crisler
[email protected]


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