General Administration Fund

Delegate Jill Wondel of Missouri speaks on February 25, 2019, during the Special Session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church, held in St. Louis, Missouri.
Delegate Jill Wondel of Missouri speaks on February 25, 2019, during the Special Session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church, held in St. Louis, Missouri.

The General Administration Fund supports the critical work of the church that’s less visible than many of our other missional expressions.

  • Have you ever wanted to ensure that your Sunday giving was being used, for the greater church, in the most responsible way?
  • Have you been curious how an organization as large as The United Methodist Church functions so efficiently?
  • Or, if you appreciate our church’s rich legacy, have you wondered how our historic artifacts, sites and documents are preserved?

None of this would be possible without the General Administration Fund.

Sure, we know it’s not quite as glamorous as some of the more visible work The United Methodist Church is doing to eradicate malaria, share the good news of Jesus Christ, or raise up new leaders to develop innovative solutions to the challenges facing our world today. But, guided by God’s Spirit, the General Administration Fund is the oil that lubricates these gears moving the church’s work forward to impact hearts and lives. Without it, the lifegiving work of The United Methodist Church simply wouldn’t be possible.

Accomplishing Christ’s Ministry In The World Today

The General Administration Fund is what enables The United Methodist Church to function most effectively. Every four years delegates from around the globe, selected by their peers, meet to discern the church’s future at General Conference. Our church’s highest court, the nine-member Judicial Council, executes its directive to uphold church law. The history that formed us, and can still guide us today, is being preserved. None of these—that allow us to continue our rich tradition of worship and service in the world—would be possible without The General Administration Fund.

Your Giving Secures a Hopeful Future

Your giving is what ensures that the faithful ministry we’re doing today, in the name of Jesus Christ, will continue far into the future. Thanks to your generosity, the vital work of The United Methodist Church will continue to transform individuals and communities.

One of the reasons the General Administration Fund is so important is because of The United Methodist Church’s unflagging commitment to integrity. We echo Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of the Apostle Paul’s message to the church in Corinth, “[We don’t want anyone suspecting us of taking one penny of this money for ourselves.] We’re being as careful in our reputation with the public as in our reputation with God.” (2 Corinthians 8:20-21, The Message)

Your Giving Matters

Churches around the globe, through people like you, are ensuring the integrity and long-term effectiveness of the ministry of The United Methodist Church. Thank you for your part in this important work.

Read stories about the impact you are making with your gifts.

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