Get Them Talking: Growing

When is a time when you noticed that you had grown? In what areas do you still hope to grow? Growing is the topic of this "Get Them Talking" edition. Photo by Anna Shvets for Pexels; Canva design by United Methodist Communications.
When is a time when you noticed that you had grown? In what areas do you still hope to grow? Growing is the topic of this "Get Them Talking" edition. Photo by Anna Shvets for Pexels; Canva design by United Methodist Communications.

Get Them Talking is a series of resources to help families start conversations about issues of faith.


“Instead, like a newborn baby, desire the pure milk of the word. Nourished by it, you will grow into salvation, since you have tasted that the Lord is good.” 1 Peter 2:2-3, Common English Bible


Some children have a place in their house where their height is marked, showing their growth. Other times, a child will find they’ve outgrown their favorite outfit. Because it happens so slowly, we don’t always notice the growth until we see this year’s mark is a little bit higher than last year’s, or our favorite pants are too short.

Our Bible passage tells us this is true of our spiritual lives too. It too may happen slowly, but as we are attentive to God’s presence in our lives, we grow. Our homes and churches are wonderful places to grow as followers of Jesus. 

Get them talking

  • Watch a time-lapse video of plants growing or plant some seeds of your own. Talk about how the plants are always growing, even when we don’t notice.
  • When is a time you noticed that you had grown? What is something you can do today that you couldn’t do last year?
  • How have you grown in your faith?
  • In what areas do you still hope to grow?


Dear God, thank you for all the ways we grow. Amen.


Look at old photos together as a family—vacations, birthdays, everyday fun—and make special note of how each person has changed since the picture. It may be something you see, or it may be something unseen.

Have an idea for a Get Them Talking topic? Let us know. 
This devotional was first posted for July 2021.

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