Get Them Talking: One of a Kind

The Bible tells us that differences are God's design. Let's talk about and celebrate our diversity - and uniqueness - as God's children. Canva image design by United Methdoist Communications.
The Bible tells us that differences are God's design. Let's talk about and celebrate our diversity - and uniqueness - as God's children. Canva image design by United Methdoist Communications.

Get Them Talking is a series of resources to help families start conversations about issues of faith.


There are different spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; and there are different ministries and the same Lord; and there are different activities but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.”  1 Corinthians 12:4-6 Common English Bible


Someone may say, “You look just like your dad,” or, “You’re funny, just like your mom.” In some ways, that may be true. You and your dad’s eyes may look very similar. You and your mom may both make people laugh. In other ways, however, we are each unique.

The Bible tells us that the differences are God’s design. We aren’t all supposed to look and act like everyone else. God made us to be different. We each have different gifts, abilities, likes, cultures, languages, ideas, and so much more. Our job is to be the unique people God created us to be.

Get them talking

  • What is something unique about you?
  • How are you similar to other members of your family?
  • When you visit friends’ houses, what are some things their families do differently from your family?
  • Why do you think God chooses to make us all different?


Dear God, thank you for making me one of a kind. Amen.


Have the adults share stories about family traditions, culture, meals, celebrations, words, and more from their childhood. Tell stories about parents, grandparents, and others who helped shape you into the person you are today.

Have an idea for a Get Them Talking topic? Let us know. 
This devotional was first posted for October 2021.

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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