The First Charter for Racial Justice

“On the evening of January 9,1952, at Buck Hill Falls, the report of the committee on Racial Practices was brought to the Women’s Division by Mrs. James Oldshue, chairman. An artist had written the new Charter of Racial Polices on a large wallboard visible to the entire group. After discussion, the charter was adopted unanimously by a standing vote. …”
Charter of Racial Policies 1952
We Believe
- We believe that God is the Father of all people of all races and we are His children in one family.
- We believe that the personality of every human being is sacred.
- We believe that opportunities for fellowship and service, for personal growth and for freedom in every aspect of life are inherent rights of every individual.
- We believe that the visible church of Jesus Christ must demonstrate these principles within its own organization and program.
- We believe that the Women’s Division as an agency of The Methodist Church must build in every area it may touch, a fellowship and social order without racial barriers.
- We believe that progress may be advanced by declaring emphatically those policies on which the Women’s Division is determined to move in order to come nearer the ideal.