Ways United Methodists can make giving count the most

Encourage people to consider prayerfully how God is calling them to participate in the ministry and by financially contributing to your church’s mission. Photo by Ben White, Christianpic.co.
Encourage people to consider prayerfully how God is calling them to participate in the ministry and by financially contributing to your church’s mission. Photo by Ben White, Christianpic.co.

Ever notice how "the perfect gift" often involves not only what the recipient needs, but also what the giver really likes too?

Through United Methodist Global Ministries and the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), we have many opportunities to support projects that advance vital ministries around the world, such as relief aid for disaster victims, scholarships for Native American seminarians, scholarships and loans for students attending United Methodist schools, and so much more!

Look through the links below to find projects and missionaries that most interest you. And remember, 100% of your gift reaches the project / missionary of your choice.

If you don't have a specific interest, you can instead designate your gift to the Overall work of Global Ministries or the Overall work of UMCOR.

Give today!Disaster Response & Recovery
When disasters strike, UMCOR and other programs provide timely relief. You can give shelter to the homeless, food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothing to the needy, and help hunger and poverty in their communities. Review programs.

Give now!Migration
Every day, thousands of people leave and flee their homes in search of a better life for their families. Your gifts help provide support for refugees, migrants and asylum seekers from all over the globe. Find projects.

Give today!Hunger & Poverty
Have you every given someone a goat? You can give lifestock to feed many, collect fresh produce to feed impoverished people, teach cooking skills, and develop new, sustainable crops. Review programs.

Give today!Sustainable Development
Help facilitate long-term community development and empowerment in areas like water, sustainable agriculture and food security, livelihoods and resilience, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and education and health. Search projects.

Give today!Water & Sanitation
Water is life and you can help communities around the world collect and distribute healthy, fresh drinking water by building new wells, water reclamation centers, and new sanitation progams. Review programs.

Give today!Creation Care
Help address modes of living and working that contribute to climate change and environmental degradation. These include wasteful consumption, deforestation, poor water management and agricultural practices that diminish the land.. Learn more.

Give today!Global Health
There are so many ways to support good health around the world! Develop health programs in Appalachia, aid missionaries, build stoves in Guatemala, and repair substandard homes linked to poor health. Research giving opportunities.

Give today!Women & Children
In so many countries, women and children need better health, nutrition, living conditions and protection from abuse. Your gifts can give them a brighter future. Research giving opportunities.

On Giving Tuesday, join other United Methodists to support vital ministries around the world. Give today!

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