Some of us might be a bit reluctant to admit we believe in miracles. But haven't we all been witness to something we thought was impossible becoming possible? Wasn't that something of a miracle when it happened?
"A miracle is when… something you think isn't possible becomes possible."—Xavier, age 12.
Some of us, like Xavier, believe that miracles do happen. We believe they happen quite often. Miracles happen when wholeness arises out of situations of brokenness. Miracles happen when peace comes out of conflict. Miracles happen when new life emerges from situations of death or destruction.
Miracles are seen in the life of artist Ndume Olatushani. Ndume was once on death row for a crime he maintains he did not commit. Today he lives on mission to disrupt the "cradle-to-prison pipeline." Once thought to be a dead man walking, Ndume is today bringing hope through his artwork and advocacy work. A miracle happens as a man once sentenced to death announces release to captives through his new life.
Miracles are witnessed when a South Sudanese child, like Musab Briema Ali, who was displaced by war and unable to go to school for four years, is finally able to continue his education thanks to the generous efforts of strangers. These strangers give just because they know it will help someone else in need. A miracle happens as a child once left behind gets a new chance in life through the kindness of strangers.
Miracles are witnessed when a group of friends from Tattoo Parlor Church set out to meet their neighbors—many who make their temporary homes on nearby park benches. Rev. Michael Beck has seen miracles:
"Sometimes new life stinks. We came across a man with a festering foot wound that you could smell from several yards away. This man had no access to medical care. He asked for prayer, and we prayed timidly, trying to overcome the stench that was wafting up from the man's infection. Sandra, a retired nurse who recently got her first cross and flame tattoo at Tattoo Parlor Church, got down on her hands and knees and sent some of our younger team members down the street to get what she needed. There on a park bench, Sandra treated and bandaged the man's wound. This woman, who he didn't even know, got down and became Jesus to him. I could see the Holy Spirit moving on his heart as tears welled up in his eyes. That day, new life smelled like rotting flesh, peroxide, and ointment, as we became the church, to a man who hadn't been close to one for many years."
Do you believe? Have you witnessed miracles? God still works miracles today through us. It might take some childlike perspective for us to open up to seeing that there are times when the impossible is possible—when, through the work of normal people, new life will spring out of situations of death and decay. Would you be someone's miracle today?
In this video from Rev. Jacob Armstrong, we get an idea of more ways that miracles show up in our daily lives: