Youth Service Funds make a difference in the world!

Youth Service Fund (YSF) is the national United Methodist mission fund supported by youth. YSF is money raised by Youth, spent by Youth to benefit Youth.

For every dollar of YSF money raised, $.30 goes to the General Church Division on Ministries with Young People where youth from across the US determine grants given to ministries helping youth across the world.

The $.70 that remains in the North Carolina Conference is used 1/3 for Conference youth ministry, 1/3 for In-Conference projects and 1/3 for Out-of-Conference Projects.

Our Youth Service Fund Task Force is made up of the Conference Youth Treasurer and one youth representative from each district (selected at ACS each summer) who determine how YSF monies from the NC Conference are spent.

Here are some ways your conference can support the Youth Service Fund:

  1. Designate a special offering for YSF at your annual Youth Sunday worship service.
  2. Talk! Tell about your experiences, why you support YSF, and what YSF is!
  3. Sell paper plates of whipped cream for .50 cents each for a pie-in-the-face throw (or try wet sponges!).
  4. Hold sales of box lunches after church; chili after a cook-off; refreshments at church socials; po-boy sandwiches; or baked goods on Sunday morning.
  5. Sponsor a games and pizza all-nighter for other youth groups; charge admission.
  6. Sponsor a walk-a-thon, bike-a-thon, rock-a-thon, rake-a-thon, etc. with pre-paid pledges.
  7. Take donations for babysitting, chores, parents’ night out.
  8. Host a themed dance, i.e. Rock-n-Roll, a family event (charge admission)
  9. Offer singing telegrams for Valentine’s Day.
  10. Charge admission to a dinner theatre or variety show.
  11. Challenge another youth group or district to see who raises the most money. The group raising the least amount has to do something special… silly… or crazy… that is agreed upon in advance.
  12. Cutest baby picture contest (vote with money)
  13. YSF Fishbowl for loose change
  14. Host a tournament i.e. volleyball game, softball, corn hole Sunday school classes or teams, could charge admission to watch games and offer concessions
  15. Do a bulletin board with envelopes with numbers on them (people get an envelope and donate how much the number is on the front i.e. #10=$10)

North Carolina Annual Conference website

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