Did you know United Methodist Student Day donations support United Methodist schools and grants?

United Methodist Student Day donations support United Methodist schools and grants?

One of the major obstacles to students who are preparing for their calling at a college or university is a lack of financial resources. Funding for scholarships is made possible through the generosity of our fellow United Methodists and through decades of sound financial stewardship by our agency. Financial support for all GBHEM scholarships comes from five primary sources: 63% from endowments; 22% from wills and annuities; 13% from United Methodist Special Sundays and 1% from online gifts and fiduciary income. All donations received empower and encourage our students that we are investing in them and our future.


United Methodist Student Day was the original Special Sunday created by United Methodist Church Sunday Schools who collected offerings to help advance education for their children. The fund was originally established in 1872 as the Children's Fund. Today United Methodist Student Day Sunday has the same purpose, calling upon the denomination to support their students as they prepare for life by adding knowledge to their faith. The funds received from the offering underwrite scholarships for United Methodist students. Currently, there are over 70 scholarships available for United Methodist students. The fund is administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM). Students can apply for scholarships gbhem.org/scholarships.

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