World Communion Sunday gifts are allocated for training, recruitment and retention of ethnic UM persons?
The United Methodist Church allocates part of the World Communion Sunday offerings to General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) for ethnic leadership development. We rejoice in the gifts that particular ethnic histories and cultures bring to our total life. We commit to celebrate annually when we globally partake of Holy Communion and share our gifts to support racial-ethnic students and others in their quest to become leaders who embody the mission of The United Methodist Church. Ethnic in-Service Training Program funds are designated for the recruitment, training, and retention of ethnic United Methodist persons, both male and female, in leadership positions in every level of the church and its ministry.
United Methodist churches observe World Communion Sunday on the first Sunday in October. The observance focuses the attention of United Methodists on the universal and inclusive nature of the church. Offerings collected in United Methodist churches on World Communion Sunday are used to fund scholarships for young scholars and seminarians. Donations equip racial and ethnic-minority students in the United States and international students to transform the church and communities. Half of the proceeds from the offering is for World Communion Sunday Scholars administered by the General Board of Global Ministries. The remaining half is to be used for the Ethnic Scholarship Program and the Ethnic In-Service Training Program, which are administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.