A Prayer for a World Facing the Coronavirus

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The Coronavirus pandemic has rapidly transformed life as we know it for millions of people all over the world. For many, COVID-19 carries feelings and challenges of fear, anxiety, economic hardships, isolation, and many other stresses. This prayer reminds us that as we are not alone in our feelings and we can ease our own fears by praying for others.


Dear God,

It seems like lots of uncertainty around us.  

So many people who need prayers.

Today, I pray…

For those whose health is compromised by the coronavirus or other health issues.

For those who suffer from the economic impact of the virus, in travel, manufacturing, hospitality, energy or so many other industries.

For health care workers and first responders, and other public servants who put themselves in harm’s way for us.

For our leaders of the world, our countries, states, and cities, as they seek to help manage this challenge

God, it can be overwhelming. But you tell us over and over again not to be afraid.

Show me how to trust in you.

As I examine my heart this Lenten season, help me to turn away from my concern with self,

and turn my heart, hands, and prayers toward the concerns of others.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.


A Prayer for a World Facing the Coronavirus was adapted from a prayer posted by St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Houston, Texas.
713-622-5710, 3471 Westheimer Road, Houston, 77027.

For more resources regarding coronavirus, visit UMC.org/respondingtocoronavirus,

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