Africa University continues its mission through quality education for Africa

This is a the first of a four-part series highlighting students and alumni of Africa University. You'll hear in their own words how Africa University has made a difference in their lives.

My AU Reflection: Felix Johnson, Liberia

"The three years I spent at this noble institution were some of the best years of my life. From the moment I set foot at Africa University, I felt the warmth of Africa's embrace.

The University's Pan African nature gave me Africa in the palms of my hands.

As I reflect through the years at Africa University, I can only realize the indelible mark the University has left on my life. This mark comes not only form the fact that Africa University has a rigorous academic environment where students are engaged to think out of the box, but also as a result of the wonderful and dedicated staff whose commitment to the institution is beyond my imagination. This mark is also a constant reminder of the opportunity I received to be nurtured as a future leader of Africa.

I have run my race at Africa University, and I am pleased it was a fulfilling race."

My AU Reflection: Lesa Marie Chikumbirike, Zimbabwe

"It appears as if it was just yesterday when I had my first week of lectures at Africa University. Looking back, I cn honestly say that time has flown so quickly. I have had a good time to reflect on my years here at Africa University and I cherish the memories that made the journey worth the while. I remember how I came here mindful of the fact that great minds would be churned out of this institution and how I was not sure if I was smart enough to handle the degree program. My lecturers helped me to blend in. The staff and students were accommodating. I can easily say that it was great, memorable, challenging and rewarding. I made a lot of new friends and acquaintances. I am ready to face the world and represent the excellence for which African University is known. I am truly honored to have been part of this great University."

My AU Reflection: Kan Michael Chot, South Sudan

"My first day at Africa University seemed like I was standing righ tin the middle of Africa. At this moment, I realized that I was going to gain more from the Univesity that I had imagined.

My program taught me to have a different view of the world of Agriculture. I have gained skills sets on strategies to alleviate poverty in Africa and to achieve food security. For me, Africa University is the training ground for my career, the place where I realized my dreams, built my leadership skills and strengthened my spiritual wellbeing.

I am thankful to the donors who supported me financially throughout my entire degree program. I am equally grateful to the staff in the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resouces for giving me the knowledge that has impacted my life in a very positive way. I thank the Lord in a very special way. Forever, I will be indebted to my Heavenly Father for helping me to have come this far. EBENEZER."

Africa University yearbook

One of seven apportioned giving opportunities of The United Methodist Church, the Africa University Fund transforms Africa by educating and empowering students from across the continent through Africa University, the first fully accredited, United Methodist-related educational institution on the continent. The Africa University Fund supports the general operating expenses of Africa University including faculty and staff salaries and vital infrastructure. Please encourage your leaders and congregations to support the Africa University Fund at 100 percent.

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