Which hymns and other songs qualify as public domain is based on current copyright law in each country. Copyright laws are sometimes extended or changed, so it’s important to know the current law governing public domain in your country.
In the U.S., no hymns entered the public domain for twenty years after 1998 because of an extension to the existing copyright law. As of Jan. 1, 2024, all songs published in 1929 and before (not later arrangements) are public domain. On January 1, 2026, songs and other copyrighted works published in 1930 will enter the public domain.
Each hymn has three parts that can be copyrighted – the tune, text (lyrics), and arrangement. Each one of these parts may have different copyright dates.
Every hymn in official United Methodist hymnals and other song books includes composer, arranger, and copyright information at the bottom of the hymn. A complete list of copyright acknowledgments also begins on p. 906 of the United Methodist Hymnal.
Songs with all three parts - tune, text, and arrangement - dated prior to 1930 (1929 or earlier) are in the public domain. Any part of any song (text, tune, arrangement) dated 1930 or after, or subsequently renewed, is under copyright and requires the appropriate licenses or permissions for use. If one part is copyrighted 1930 or later, the entire piece as published is considered to be copyrighted and so requires licensing or permission for reproduction or livestreaming.
Here are a few examples of attributions on well-known hymns in the UM Hymnal:
Public Domain
- It Is Well with My Soul (UMH 377)
WORDS: Horatio G. Spafford, 1873
MUSIC:Philip P. Bliss, 1876
- The Old Rugged Cross (UMH 504)
WORDS: George Bernard, 1913
MUSIC: George Bernard, 1913
- Are Ye Able (UMH 530)
WORDS: Earl Marlatt, 1926
MUSIC: Harry S. Mason, 1924
- People, Look East IUMH 202)
WORDS: Eleanor Farjeon, 1928
MUSIC: Traditional French Carol, Harmonized by Martin Shaw, 1928
- He Lives (UMH 310)
WORDS: Alfred H. Ackley, 1933
MUSIC:Alfred H. Ackley, 1933
© 1933 The Rodeheaver Co.
- O Young and Fearless Prophet (UMH 444)
WORDS: S. Ralph Harlow, 1931
MUSIC: John B. Dykes, 1872
- Dear Lord, For All in Pain (UMH 458)
WORDS: Amy W. Carmichael, 1931 (under management of Dohnavur Fellowship, Renewed 1933)
MUSIC: Kenneth D. Smith, 1928, alt
- Precious Lord, Take My Hand (UMH 474)
WORDS AND MUSIC: Tommy Dorsey, 1932
- O Spirit of the Living God (UMH 539)
WORDS: Henry Tweedy, 1935
MUSIC: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906
- Morning Has Broken (UMH 145)
WORDS: Eleanor Farjeon, 1931 (Lam. 3:22-23)
MUSIC:Trad. Gaelic melody; harm. by Carlton R. Young, 1988
Words by permission of David Higham Associates, Ltd.; harm. © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House
Please note: If you are reproducing copyrighted hymns, you must also include documentation of your copyright license in the form your copyright license requires. Different copyright license providers require different wording. Follow the wording required by your license provider.
Additional Resources
Local Church Learning Session: Copyrights + Licenses
The Piano Accompaniment Recordings offered by Discipleship Ministries is a good resource for public domain tunes from the UM Hymnal and The Faith We Sing. More accompaniments may be added to include new tunes that have come into the public domain in 2019 and 2020.
Hymns by Year of Composition or Copyright (from 1779 to 2000)
Hymnary.org is an ecumenical resource with songs from many hymnals across denominations. This list includes the most popular hymns.
This content was produced by Ask The UMC, a ministry of United Methodist Communications.