Church leadership body plans April meeting

Your support of the General Administration Fund apportionment helps support the work of The Connectional Table, which acts as a coordinating body for The United Methodist Church.

The Connectional Table (CT) discerns and articulates the vision for the church, stewarding the mission, ministries, and resources as determined by General Conference and in consultation with the Council of Bishops and includes 64 members from across the United Methodist connection.

The 64-member board will focus on a vision for a worldwide church at their April 4-7 meeting in Glenview, IL at the Wespath Benefits and Investments office.

They will engage and explore a vision for a worldwide United Methodist connection as articulated in paragraph 125 of the Book of Discipline. The CT also seeks to affirm the church's missional priorities for the future as expressed through the Four Areas of Focus that will help vibrant congregations in the shared mission to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

The Rev. Dr. Fred Day, general secretary of the Commission on Archives and History, will open the CT plenary by providing historical context, taking special note of the 50-year anniversary of the 1968 General Conference that witnessed the merging of two denominations. Dr. Hendrik Pieterse, Associate Professor of Global Christianity and World Religions at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, will consider the future of United Methodism in a global context.  Erin Hawkins, the general secretary of the General Board of Religion and Race, will assist the CT as they begin to shape narratives of hope and possibility for the church in the future. The CT will also have the opportunity to hear from Eric Martin from Adaptive Change Advisors.  Eric will share insights on the kind of leadership needed to sustain consequential change.  The Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters will also share the most recent developments of a General Book of Discipline with the CT.

In addition, Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball will bring a report to the CT on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward. "The CT fully recognizes the importance and relevance of the Commission's work and looks forward to receiving information from Bishop Steiner Ball," said Bishop Christian Alsted, chair of the CT.  "We respect the fact that the Commission is carrying out this task at the request of the Council of Bishops and that this is the work of the Commission and the Council. The CT will focus on discerning and articulating vision and stewarding the mission of the church and will not be acting on or advocating for any proposals. However, we will continue to pray unceasingly for God's vision to lead us all on the path ahead."

Meredith Hoxie Schol, Director of Communication & Research for the Connectional Table of The UMC

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