Speaking for What's Right with Rob Lee: Compass Episode 12

Rev. Rob Lee, a descendant of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, surprised many when he appeared on MTV to denounce racism and express support for movements like #BlackLivesMatter. His sentiments were not without backlash. He joins Pierce and Ryan to talk about staying strong in the face of criticism.

Speaking for What's Right with Rob Lee: Episode 012

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Rev. Robert W Lee was our guest. Rev. Rob is a desendant of Confederate general Robert E. Lee. Rob has become a critical voice in racism, appearing on MTV and many talk shows. He lost his job due to his statements on MTV. In the episode, Rob discusses dealing with critical voices and finding strength to keep speaking.

Rev. Rob’s appearance on MTV’s Video Music Awards can be seen in its entirety: https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/8/27/16212642/vma-2017-robert-wright-lee-susan-bro-heatherheyer

Pre-order (or order) Rob’s new book, A Sin by any Other Name. The book chronicles his story of growing up with the South's most honored name, and the moments that forced him to confront the privilege, racism, and subversion of human dignity that came with it. https://www.amazon.com/Sin-Any-Other-Name-Reckoningebook/dp/B07D6C7WZ2/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1537709096&sr=1-2

Episode posted September 21 2018

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