Don't Look Down: Compass Episode 21

Roz Picardo joined us to talk about jumping a rut by keeping our focus in the right place.

Don't Look Down

Listen to the episode: Apple Podcasts / Google Play / Spotify


Rosario Picardo grew up in western New York as a first-generation Sicilian-American. During his senior year of college, Roz entered the ministry as a military chaplain, serving four years in the Marine Reserves and five years in the Navy Reserves. While attending seminary, he recognized a call to serve the local church and has experience in all facets of church life, through roles ranging from church custodian to associate pastor to church planter and executive pastor of church planting at Ginghamsburg Church who has three campuses and worships over 4,000. Also, Roz was one of the founding pastors at Mosaic, a new multicultural church in Dayton, Ohio.

Roz joined the Compass Podcast just after releasing Don’t Look Down: Answering Jesus’ Call to Walk on the Water.  It is for those who may find themselves stuck in a rut spiritually, at a decision point but too afraid to make a move or wondering why they aren’t living a more fulfilled, purposeful life. This book will be a spark to help people out of their “boats” and onto whatever water Jesus has called them. 

You can catch up with him on his website and Twitter.

Proceeds from Roz's book sales go to:

Roz's guideposts for navigating out of a spiritual rut:

  • Find partners
  • Look to a mentor
  • Make time for important relationships
  • Practice what you preach
  • Respect your boundaries

[Posted June 4, 2019]

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