Conference funds mobile clinics in Mozambique

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One aspect of the Mozambique Initiative’s work with its partners in sub-Saharan Africa is to improve access to healthcare, especially for remote and rural communities. The mobile health clinic ministry has made a real difference in this area.

A mobile health clinic brings healthcare to communities far from hospitals and clinics. Oftentimes, geographic distance makes these basic services inaccessible. The clinic is staffed by a combination of physicians, nurses, community health workers and other health professionals who provide a variety of health services. Both people and supplies are carried by several vehicles outfitted for rural Mozambique. Similar to the services provided by a brick-and-mortar hospital, mobile health clinics offer support in preventive and primary care by providing access to early diagnosis, treatment, and interventions of medical issues before complications arise.

In the past three years the Missouri Annual Conference has given more than $70,000 through the Mozambique Initiative in support of mobile health clinics.

Through mobile clinics, Mozambicans in remote locations can access the same health services that exist in larger health facilities. Mobile clinics help reduce the overcrowding of referral hospitals and improve the quality of life in remote communities. 

The reach is far, and the impact is substantial: Clinics serve community members of all ages and provide services like basic prenatal and pediatric care, HIV/AIDs consultation and testing, vaccinations, gender-based violence education, ophthalmological and dental services, and more. 

These services improve outcomes for pregnant women, children under five and those suffering from easily curable yet potentially deadly diseases.

The Mozambique Initiative currently supports clinics in Maimele, Bambeluane, Chiguruane, Malale, Macaringue de Rale, Meluge, and Mabumbuza. The seven current clinics are, on average, 35 kilometers away from each other and serve within a 10-kilometer radius. Clinics work as subunits of a referral hospital. Together they work under church, district and conference coordination in partnership with the provincial health directorate and partnering institutions.

Looking ahead, our partners in Mozambique hope to add more mobile health clinic service areas so that more rural areas can receive services. Maternal and infant death rates are high in Mozambique, and the intervening services provided by the clinics can help reduce this. Additionally, the program aims to train more staff and volunteers to provide wider service offerings, such as mosquito net training and distribution and cholera prevention.

How you can Help

The current mobile clinic working team operating costs are $2,000 USD. On average, a new mobile clinic vehicle, including the custom buildout needs, costs $50,000-75,000 USD. 100% of donations given through the Mozambique Initiative go to Mozambique. Learn more about ways to support mobile health clinics at

Get involved by sharing with your church group how mobile health clinics are improving lives. Visit for more information.

Missouri Annual Conference website

This story represents how United Methodist local churches through their Annual Conferences are living as Vital Congregations. A vital congregation is the body of Christ making and engaging disciples for the transformation of the world. Vital congregations are shaped by and witnessed through four focus areas: calling and shaping principled Christian leaders; creating and sustaining new places for new people; ministries with poor people and communities; and abundant health for all.

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