100% of your donation to UMCOR goes where you specify?
When you make a gift to UMCOR, you can be assured that every dollar will go to the project you specify. To accomplish this, UMCOR uses other funding channels to cover non-program related activities such administrative overhead or communications. One source of that type of funding is the UMCOR Sunday offering. Your prayers, support and generosity enable UMCOR to respond when disaster strikes and be the last to leave. Together, we are rebuilding hope in the lives of those in need all over the world.
In response to the devastating global effects of World War II, the 1940 United Methodist Church's General Conference established a relief agency called United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). This agency was created to respond to the needs of human anguish by working globally to alleviate suffering and advance hope and healing. UMCOR is organized into programmatic areas focused on U.S and international response and recovery, sustainable development, global health and migration. Each area is founded on the belief that positive sustainable change is best done alongside and in support of communities. Your generosity on UMCOR Sunday underwrites the “costs of doing business,” allowing UMCOR to keep the promise that 100% of any gift to a specific UMCOR project will go toward that project, not administrative costs. The work of UMCOR is managed through the General Board of Global Ministries.