Did You Know 57% of giving on Human Relations Day supports Community Developer's Program?

57% of giving on Human Relations Day supports Community Developer's Program?

57% of your gifts on Human Relations Day Sunday help support Community Developer's Program. Community Developers are recruited locally and serve on the staff of traditionally Black, Hispanic, Asian and Native American congregations. The Community Developer's program (CDP) is dedicated to building, maintaining, promoting, and strengthening racial ethnic minority congregations of the United Methodist Church and advancing the church's capacity to be in mission through local congregations. Each Community Developer engages the community and the local church in a variety of activities depending on existing or perceived issues, needs, resources and conditions. Activities the community developers provide are in the following categories: Advocacy, Social/Political Action, Community/Social Service, Economic/Racial Justice, and in all areas of focus, coalition/relationship building is at the heart of the activity. The local congregation's effectiveness is increased through this partnership, and the community is nurtured and strengthened.


The United Methodist Church celebrates Human Relations Day to further the development of better human relations by involving congregations in community and youth outreach through Community Developers Programs, United Methodist Voluntary Services Programs, and Youth Offender Rehabilitation Programs. It is celebrated on the Sunday before the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. This offering was originally established in 1972 to fund Self-Determination Projects, The Black Community Developers and the Police-Community Relations Program. In 1988, the offering was designated to support ministries of social justice and outreach to at-risk youth. Specific ministries include the Community Developers Program, United Methodist Voluntary Services Program and the Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program. The fund is administered by the General Board of Global Ministry and the General Board of Church and Society.

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