The Ministerial Education Fund supports development and continued education efforts for clergy?
The Ministerial Education Fund has helped thousands of men and women become pastoral leaders in The United Methodist Church. Throughout their careers, clergy are required to engage in continuing education for ministry, professional development and spiritual formation and growth in order to lead the church in fulfilling the mission of making disciples for Jesus Christ. This includes carefully developed personal programs of study augmented periodically by involvement in organized educational and spiritual growth activities. These practices embody the Wesleyan emphasis on lifelong growth in faith, fostered by personal spiritual practices and participation in covenant communities. Each Annual Conference, through the chairs of the clergy Orders and Fellowship or other leaders designated by the bishop, provide spiritual enrichment opportunities and covenant groups for deacons, elders and local pastors.
The Ministerial Education Fund was established by action of the 1968 General Conference. It is nurtured and funded by United Methodists to provide vitally needed scholarships through annual conferences, essential funds for the support of our 13 United Methodist seminaries in the United States, programs that encourage men and women to respond to the call to ordained ministry, continuing-education opportunities for pastors across the connection and course-of-study education for local pastors. Every clergyperson who has served in The United Methodist Church over the past 50 years has been shaped in part by the ministries and institutions supported by the Ministerial Education Fund.