The United Methodist Church partners with the World Methodist Council?
The World Methodist Council is a worldwide association of 80 Methodist, Wesleyan and related Uniting and United Churches representing over 40.5 million members. It engages, empowers and serves the member Churches by encouraging Methodist unity in witness, facilitating mission in the world, and fostering ecumenical and inter-religious activities. It promotes obedience to the Great Commandment of Jesus Christ to love God and neighbor and to fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples through vibrant evangelism, a prophetic voice, cooperative programs, faithful worship and mutual learning.
Being a global church's means you have to be concerned about the wellbeing of other Christians around the world. The Interdenominational Cooperation Fund (ICF) enables United Methodists to share a presence and a voice in the activities of several national and worldwide ecumenical organizations. It provides the United Methodist share of the basic budgets of these organizations. Together we stand as an ecumenical front to globally make a difference. Even though our customs may differ, promoting basic human rights in every corner of the world is the basic mission of the ICF. Giving towards the ICF help Christians around the world stand together for those who are marginalized and persecuted for speaking about their faith. In 1952, the General Conference agreed to share in the basic budget with other organizations to help provide for the budget of the National Council of Churches and World Council of Churches.