Glossary: Lord's Supper, Sacrament of the

The traditional name in United Methodism for the Sacrament instituted by Jesus. Over the years the term Holy Communion has also become widely accepted as the name for the sacrament. Eucharist, from the Greek word for thanksgiving, has been yet another traditional name for the sacrament. "A Service of Word and Table" is the name given for the ritual for this sacrament in The United Methodist Hymnal (1989). This sacrament has been a central and important service throughout the entire life of Methodism. It recalls the Last Supper of Jesus with the disciples. It is a celebration and remembrance of God's grace and mercy in Jesus, of the resurrection of Christ, and of Christ's continuing presence with us. It provides the worshiper with the opportunity to renew the covenant made with God and to be rededicated to service in Christ's name.

Source: A Dictionary for United Methodists, Alan K. Waltz, Copyright 1991, Abingdon Press. Used by Permission.

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