Glossary: offering

The gifts and tithes brought by worshipers to the service. "Offering" is also used to describe the process of collecting or gathering the gifts, as in "taking up the offering." The term offering is also commonly used as the name for that portion of the worship service in which the tithes and offerings of those present are received. In United Methodist worship services, there is generally a period of instrumental or choral music while the tithes and gifts are being gathered. It is common practice for the tithes and offerings to be brought to the chancel area of the church and placed on the communion or Lord's table as the congregation stands and sings the Doxology. The paster than gives a prayer of thanksgiving and dedication of the gifts.

Source: A Dictionary for United Methodists, Alan K. Waltz, Copyright 1991, Abingdon Press. Used by permission.

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