Kids Making Music Through COVID

The global pandemic of 2020 has been especially hard on children. Youngsters from preschool through college have missed the normal interactions of school and church life. A children’s music director has found a way to keep her ministry going strong through COVID 19 by loading up the instruments, and taking the show on the road.


(Nashville, Tennessee)

Amy Cooper is a children’s music director.

(Amy singing on Zoom)

Belmont United Methodist in Nashville, Tennessee offers a weekly music meet-up for preschool and kindergarteners. The class continues to meet on zoom during COVID but it’s not quite the same.

Amy Cooper: “We do learn some songs and they can be sung in an echo fashion back and forth but unfortunately online you can’t all sing together, which is one of the things we miss the most, hearing all of our voices at the same time.”

So Cooper started making house calls.

Amy Cooper: “Music is extremely hard to do online on Zoom and there are some children who don’t care for it, and I understand that. I think they appreciate the break from seeing people on screens. They like seeing faces in person. And we let the child lead and if they want to sing for 5 minutes and then go run and play on the playground, that’s fine.”

(Cooper singing) “Nine little angels in the band. I think you do remember that one. That sounds nice.”

Catherine Sakarapanee: “I think it’s just really special for the girls. They have been attending the virtual music class on Friday. And to have a live class with their teacher, with instruments is just really special for them during this pandemic time.”

Belmont United Methodist Church has active choirs and music programs for all ages. And they’ve all had to make adjustments during COVID.

But lifting our voices and sharing talents is the lifeblood of worship. So, Cooper says keeping the music going through quarantine is important for even the youngest members of this church family.

Amy Cooper: “We know that music can start being effective even when children are in the womb. So, we feel that music is an excellent way to teach children of their faith. We teach our theology through song many times, and as they grow up, they become leaders in worship through music.”


For more information, contact Belmont United Methodist Church, 2007 Acklen Avenue
Nashville, TN 37212, Telephone: (615) 383-0832

This video was produced by United Methodist Communications in Nashville, TN.
Contact is 
Joe Iovino.

This video was first posted on December 7, 2020. 



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