Leaving Country and Kindred to Follow Jesus

Carlito Alberto (in blue robe) sings with the choir of the Jourdain UMC in Jourdain, Cameroon. (Photo: Courtesy of Carlito Alberto)
Carlito Alberto (in blue robe) sings with the choir of the Jourdain UMC in Jourdain, Cameroon. (Photo: Courtesy of Carlito Alberto)

The wise men heard about the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem of Judea during the time of King Herod. The Scripture urges us to remember Christ’s birth and to worship him during Advent so that we can let Christ be born in our hearts, lives, families and countries. We are thankful during this time as the wise men were, after seeing and following the star, they rejoiced exceedingly when they saw the child with Mary his mother and worshipped him.

I am thankful, too, to be serving God has a Global Mission Fellow (Advance #3022682) in Cameroon. I grew up speaking Portuguese in Angola, and I left my home in Nzagi Cambulo in the Lunda Norte province at age 16 to continue my education at the Quéssua UMC mission men’s boarding school. It was difficult to leave home and I faced challenges at Quéssua, but God used this place to bless me. At Quéssua, I met Global Ministries missionaries, including the Rev. Dr. Leonardo Garcia Salgado and Kutela Katembo. The UMC Florida Annual Conference Global Mission Team director, Dr. Icel Rodriguez and her group, also supported me at Quéssua.

Children in Cameroon hold up their new Sunday school curriculum. UMC Global Mission Fellow, Carlito Alberto (back row, second from right), is a teacher and coordinator of child and youth work with the Cameroon church. Photo: Courtesy of Carlito Alberto 
Children in Cameroon hold up their new Sunday school curriculum. UMC Global Mission Fellow, Carlito Alberto (back row, second from right), is a teacher and coordinator of child and youth work with the Cameroon church. Photo: Courtesy of Carlito Alberto.

I learned much there, where my life was positively influenced as a Christian. Dr. Garcia appointed me as a chaplain in Quéssua’s Manga Chapel. I learned about church finance, evangelism, sacred music and preaching. By age 20, I entered the Quéssua Faculty of Theology, and after some challenges, Bishop Jose Quipungo, of the East Angola Conference, recommended me to Africa University in Zimbabwe to continue my studies for a Bachelor of Divinity.

As a Global Mission Fellow, I serve with The United Methodist Church in Cameroon, a district of the Côte d’Ivoire Episcopal Area and a former Global Ministries’ mission initiative, and I see Christ working in the lives of the people every day. United Methodism is one of many Protestant church denominations here, and there are many Roman Catholic churches and Islam has some influence, but most people are Christian. Like the wise men, when they experience Jesus, they rejoice! They pray, sing and seek first God’s Kingdom. And this is not easy for all of them.

Bekaku, one of the UMC youth members, says in his area in the northwestern part of the country, Boko Haram, known for kidnapping and terror, has been active over the border from Nigeria. Mercy Ako, mother of one of the children I teach, says the same. In some regions, peace is far off and fear prevails.

I find the youth here take interest in God’s mission, and we are working together to develop activities to attract other youth in Cameroon. I see God intervening in the lives of the people here, with people working for their survival, and children and youth studying. Some areas offer a good environment of peace and love for one another.

“Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you and I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great.” (Genesis 12:1-3, NRSV) This is what Dr. Garcia wrote in the Portuguese Bible that he gave me. I believe in this Scripture that God is good and still working in the lives of those who believe in him in so many ways.

story by Carlito Germias AlbertoGlobal Mission Fellow from Quéssua Mission in Malanje, Angola, serving the UMC in Cameroon as a child and youth officer.

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