Memoirs of Recovery

Before entering Hoover program, I was lost. I knew I was better than how I was living, but couldn't figure out how to change it. I was depressed, unmotivated, confused, etc. Things were happening that seemed out of my control. I was shot and kept catching charges. Then one day in jail I realized this can't be life. So instead of going back to the streets and drugs, I'd try rehab and along came a saint, Rev. Robinson, Executive Director.

Arriving at Hoover Treatment Center, I didn't know what to expect. Coming from jail and the streets, and feeling guarded, Rev. Robinson told me, I thought everybody was out to get me. Somehow, with all my rebelliousness, I made it through 30 days. During my 2nd month, I started to submit, take advice and open my mind to change. I started to gather my tools to life from my classes. From Hoover I got my self-esteem back, confidence, responsibility, and reliability. But it was the intangible lesson of perseverance, dedications, and good work ethic thanks to Rev. Robinson, Mr. Vick, and Mr. Larry. I was in the inpatient program for 4 months and long term treatment made all the difference in the world for me.

BCD's Hoover Treatment Center is one of the ministries supported in part by your donations on Human Relations Day Sunday.

After inpatient, I moved to Will's House where I was acquainted with the staff, Ms. Mitchell and Monte. They were instrumental on pushing me to go to the next level. We got together and devised a plan for a routine schedule. I decided to go back to school to work towards my psychology degree. My days consisted of school in the mornings, working with Rev in the afternoon, helping setup for groups in evenings, and volunteering at the Watershed during my spare time. Little did I know, the groups at Hoover would translate and affect my college learning greatly. I was more focused, prompt, and thirsty for knowledge. My tenacity gave me a spot on the Dean's List, as well as an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, and General Studies Degrees. Mrs. Bell, the Director of BCD, noticed my work ethic with Rev. Robinson and gave me a chance with inpatient guys. She gave me an opportunity to keep the Hoover tradition of helping and assisting new comers.

Hoover's spiritual aspect puts them/us ahead of the rest. They taught me how to put God first and everything will fall in line. With prayer and God's divine power, no obstacle is too big and no deed is too small. Hoover Church has allowed me to be an avid scripture reader, usher, and member. I recently attended the Black Methodist for Church Renewal with my Hoover family and was in a state of spiritual euphoria. Hoover always stays ahead of the curve with community events, programs, assistance, love, etc. It is not the beginning to an end but just the end of the beginning.

Thanks Hoover for everything.

Demetrius Kelly

One of six churchwide Special Sundays with offerings of The United Methodist Church, Human Relations Day calls United Methodists to recognize the right of all God's children in realizing their potential as human beings in relationship with one another. The special offering benefits neighborhood ministries through Community Developers, community advocacy through United Methodist Voluntary Services and work with at-risk teens through the Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program.

When you give generously on Human Relations Day, you encourage ordinary people to have a voice in changing the world. Give now.

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