Special Sundays are set aside each year to deepen the connection between the local church and ministries on a global scale. Individuals and congregations are encouraged to support the churches’ collective efforts through an offering. We invite you to help continue to support the vital work of the Special Sundays.
United Methodist Churches traditionally observe Peace with Justice Sunday on the first Sunday after Pentecost. However, congregations are encouraged to celebrate on a date that best suits their schedule. Resources to help you celebrate and promote this Special Sunday are available here.
The official dates for celebrating Peace with Justice Sunday during the current quadrennial season are:
June 15, 2025 May 31, 2026 May 23, 2027 June 11, 2028
- Giving through your local church
- Donating on line at donate.gcfa.org/pwjs
- Sending a check in the mail to:
General Commission on Finance and Administration
P.O. Box 340029, Nashville, TN 37203
(Please include Human Relations Day in the note section of your check.)
The United Methodist Church uses this day to speak out for peace and justice. Our Social Principles call us to love our enemies, seek justice, and serve as peacemakers in resolving conflict. We renew our commitment that to live into our mission of transforming the world, we must prioritize collaboration among nations, work to reduce the use and need for weapons, and foster just, equitable and durable solutions to the root causes of conflict.
Contributions support programs that witness to God’s demands for a faithful, just, disarmed, and secure world.
The United Methodist Church has a historic commitment to peace and justice. Through the General Board of Church and Society's consultative status with the United Nations, we engage in UN meetings to promote peaceful and just efforts.
Last year, over $160,000 was raised to support these vital ministries through the Peace with Justice offering:
- ▶Fifty percent of the funds raised on Peace with
Justice Sunday stay within the United Methodist
Annual Conference to enhance and support local
social justice ministries. To sustain and build these
efforts, many conferences employ a Peace with
Justice Coordinator. The Conference Coordinator
focuses on providing educational resources,
fostering relationships, and mobilizing networks for
social advocacy and action. Learn more about
becoming a Church and Society Chair or Peace
with Justice Coordinator by requesting information here. - ▶Fifty percent of the donations collected support
national and international peacemaking ministries and
grants. We strive to achieve peace with justice by
collaborating with the World Council of Churches,
interfaith and ecumenical organizations, and secular
groups dedicated to social justice. Our mission is to
promote shalom for all of God’s people. Two distinct
grants are offered to United Methodist congregations
and organizations that focus on Ethnic/Minority Local
Church ministries and programs related to Peace
with Justice Sunday. To apply for or learn more about
the General Board of Church and Society grants,
please email [email protected].
One of the beautiful things about The United Methodist Church is that, together, we can accomplish far more than we could on our own. Together, we renew our commitment that people of faith should work to build peace with justice.
- Read stories about the impact you are making with your gifts
- Use the resources designed specifically to celebrate Peace with Justice Sunday
- Explore and share the Did You Know resources to learn more about this Special Sunday