Petition 20127 to the 2024 General Conference of The United Methodist Church

Petition 21027
Add new ¶2554 as follows:

¶2554. Readmission of Disaffiliated Churches to The United Methodist Church. Anticipating that there will be churches that disaffiliated under ¶2553 who later wish to reunite with The United Methodist Church, the following process will be required in order to be readmitted.

1. The church will review their disaffiliation resolution, and put in writing to the nearest District Superintendent a rationale for why they want to return to The United Methodist Church. This written request shall include answers to the following questions;

a) What is the church’s current stance on inclusivity of LGBTQ persons in the life and leadership of the church?

b) What specific circumstances have changed causing the church to desire to be connected to The United Methodist Church again?

c) What was the disaffiliation date and the total number of years since disaffiliation?

d) What are the church’s understanding of the purpose and function of the Trust Clause in The United Methodist Church? What is their commitment to abiding by the Trust Clause in the future?

e) What is the church’s expectations regarding appointment of clergy leadership and The United Methodist Church’s practice of open itinerancy?

f) In what ways will this church be a United Methodist presence in their community?

g) What is the church’s understanding of and willingness to support connectional giving through apportionment payments?

2. The Cabinet, or other designated committee, may review a written request for readmission by churches and discern their viability of returning to the denomination and that readmitting the church will cause no harm. A church successfully demonstrates their readiness by revealing their commitment to The United Methodist Church through their theological stance on inclusivity, their support of apportionments and connectional ministry, and their understanding of the trust clause. If the written work is satisfactory than an interview should be scheduled between the cabinet or designated committee and key leaders of the church, including pastor, lay leader, governing body chair, finance chair, trustees chair, and their personnel committee chair, or equivalent positions.

3. Upon recommendation of the cabinet and the bishop, the annual conference may readmit a church of the annual conference from which they disaffiliated for a two-year probation period.

4. All readmitted churches will enter a two-year probation period where they will demonstrate a plan and strategic vision for rebranding their church to be a United Methodist presence in their community adhering to and supporting United Methodist theology and mission. At the end of two years, the annual conference, upon recommendation by the cabinet and bishop, can approve the church for full membership. Should a probationary church fail to demonstrate fully embracing United Methodism then the cabinet and bishop can recommend the annual conference discontinue altogether the church’s request for readmittance.

5. The probationary readmitted church will be appointed a new pastor by the Bishop and Cabinet. Clergy of churches requesting readmission may seek appointment in The United Methodist Church according to ¶346.

6. Because of the many unreimbursed expenses incurred by annual conferences during the disaffiliation process and to demonstrate commitment to The United Methodist Church, each readmitted church will pay 2 years’ worth of apportionments using the last apportionment rate the church paid at the time of disaffiliation. This payment must be paid before receiving an appointed clergy.

7. No readmitted church will be allowed to receive a district or conference grant during their 2-year probation period.

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