Each year, churches across the United Methodist Connection take up a special offering for Peace with Justice Sunday. Traditionally observed on the Sunday after Pentecost, the Peace with Justice offering helps individuals and local congregations do more than we could do individually by supporting the peace efforts of the United Methodist Church as a whole as well as their local conference.
Your gifts on Peace with Justice Sunday enables The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of global programs.
One Community United event in Rome GA. Courtesy photo. |
Unlike other special offerings, half of the money collected for this offering by churches in the North Georgia Conference goes to the larger UMC through the General Board of Church and Society, but half stays right here in North Georgia to support ministries and projects which are working locally to promote peace with justice.
One of the ways we use those funds is through a Peace with Justice grant program. Individual churches can apply for grants of up to $2,000 to help initiate or enable a new justice ministry for a church, advocate peace with justice issues or ministries that serve in that capacity. We especially look for projects that work to addresses cultural, economic, social and environmental justice issues by identifying the root cause of injustice and creating the ministries and advocacy components for working toward ending injustice.
Last year, we awarded grants to three unique programs that work on different scales to bring justice to their communities. Through Roswell United Methodist Church and the Children's Development Academy's Reach, Teach, Love program, funds were made available to help low-income students attend preschool, providing relief for their parents as well as working to break the cycle of poverty and bolster self-sufficiency.
Children's Development Academy Lobo. |
The youth group at Calhoun First UMC also worked with students. Calhoun has a high poverty rate and a high rate of non-native English speakers. These populations often struggle to provide appropriate books for their children, but increased literacy is a key to helping kids overcome the effects of poverty. The Calhoun UMC Book Blessings program purchases and distributes books to families who might otherwise not have access. These books are being delivered to after school programs within Gordon County. Their plan is to work with our students who are considered homeless and who receive free tutoring within the school system."
Peace with Justice funds also helped support a partnership between Rome First UMC, Metropolitan UMC, and Trinity UMC in Rome to host their third community-wide Hearts United Gathering (HUG) event which serves to educate the public about the mission and to help garner the support of local leaders. These events seek Peace through Justice and racial reconciliation by promoting conversations and opportunities for community bridge building.
North Georgia Annual Conference website
One of six churchwide Special Sundays with offerings of The United Methodist Church, Peace with Justice Sunday enables The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of global programs. The special offering benefits peace with justice ministries in the annual conference and through the General Board of Church and Society.
When you give generously on Peace with Justice Sunday, you give The United Methodist Church a voice in advocating for global peace and justice. Give now.
Photo: One Community United event in Rome, Georgia