Support Peace with Justice Sunday on May 22

Together, we spread the gospel of peace and encourage cooperation locally, within the United States, and globally by supporting Peace with Justice Sunday on May 22. This is one of six churchwide special Sundays with offerings of The United Methodist Church. Peace with Justice Sunday enables The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of global programs.

Within the Rocky Mountain Conference, Peace with Justice funds support young people leading social justice initiatives within their communities and building relationships globally.

Funds also enable local churches to start serving and selling fair trade coffee, tea, and chocolate products made in an economically just and environmentally sound way. This gives churches the chance to learn about and support programs improving the food security and nutritional health of farming families.

The offering also enables United Methodists to have a strong advocacy voice on health care.

"Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend." Luke 10, NRSV

The nature of health care has changed substantially since biblical times, but the importance of health care has remained the same. Consistent with the Social Principles and The Book of Resolutions, United Methodists advocate for health care as a human right that must be made available to all.

Locally, Kevin Mabry, a layperson from First United Methodist Church in Fort Collins, Colorado, uses his faith and the Social Principles to advocate for everyone to have the right to health care in Colorado. Kevin is involved in ColoradoCare, an initiative to provide quality health care for every citizen in the state of Colorado. In doing this, Kevin believes in health care justice for everyone, including the disenfranchised and the least of these.

From our earliest days United Methodists have believed that providing health care to others is an important duty of Christians. John Wesley found ways to offer medical services at no cost to the poor in London. The first Methodist Social Creed (adopted in 1908) urged working conditions to safeguard the health of workers and community.

The special offering benefits ministries through the General Board of Church & Society. It supports peace ministries in border communities, equips United Methodists to implement the denomination's Social Principles to address social justice issues, and empowers students to educate their communities about sex-trafficking locally and globally.

Supporting Peace with Justice Sunday on May 22 enables United Methodists to speak up for justice issues and empower communities to advocate based on United Methodist Social Principles. Thank you for your generosity – every a dollar helps!

The Rev. Pat Johnson and Laurie Day, Assistant Director of Mission & Ministry, Rocky Mountain AC Church & Society

One of six churchwide Special Sundays with offerings of The United Methodist Church, Peace with Justice Sunday enables The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of global programs. The special offering benefits peace with justice ministries in the annual conference and through the General Board of Church and Society.

When you give generously on Peace with Justice Sunday, you give The United Methodist Church a voice in advocating for global peace and justice. Give now.

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