UMC Bishop elected new president of World Methodist Council

New elected WMC President Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett (left) shares a moment with COB President Bishop Tracy S. Malone on Wednesday (August 14, 2024) during the World Methodist Conference taking place in Gothenburg, Sweden. Maidstone Mulenga/COB
New elected WMC President Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett (left) shares a moment with COB President Bishop Tracy S. Malone on Wednesday (August 14, 2024) during the World Methodist Conference taking place in Gothenburg, Sweden. Maidstone Mulenga/COB

The new president of the World Methodist Council (WMC), an international organization that connects and represents over 80 Methodist, Wesleyan, and related Uniting and United Churches worldwide, is a bishop of The United Methodist Church:Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett.

The World Methodist Council is an ecumenical partner supported by the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund apportionment, which enables United Methodists to share a presence and a voice in the activities of several national and worldwide ecumenical organizations.

Bishop Wallace-Padgett was elected as the new WMC president on Wednesday, (August 14, 2024) during the World Methodist Conference taking place in Gothenburg, Sweden.  The Conference meets every five years.
“I am honored to serve as president of the World Methodist Council for the next five years,” she said, noting that “the Council brings together over 80 communions within the Methodist, Wesleyan, and related Uniting and United Churches tradition during this time of increasing division in our world and the body of Christ.”

Bishop Wallace-Padgett said focusing on commonalities as opposed to differences is worthy work that surely pleases God. “The world is a better place as we live into the World Methodist Council vision of spreading the Gospel and making disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.”

Under Bishop Wallace-Padgett's leadership, the World Methodist Council is poised to continue its vital work of fostering collaboration, supporting member churches, and promoting the Wesleyan message of God's love and grace and to help all the churches within the World Methodist Council to strengthen one of the core commonalities within the Methodist and Wesleyan heritage: connectionalism.

A number of fellow United Methodist bishops were on hand to congratulate her including the current Council of Bishops President Bishop Tracy S. Malone.  One of her first acts as president was to present the World Methodist Peace Award ribbon to Deaconess Norma Dollaga.

Bishop Wallace-Padgett currently serves as the resident bishop of the Holston and North Alabama Conferences in the United States. Beginning September 1, She will be the resident bishop of Holston and West Virginia Conferences.

story by Rev. Dr. Maidstone Mulenga, Director of Communications, Council of Bishops

One of seven apportioned giving opportunities of The United Methodist Church, the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund enables United Methodists to share a presence and a voice in the activities of several national and worldwide ecumenical organizations. Please encourage your leaders and congregations to support the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund apportionment at 100 percent.

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