UMC Bishops ready for new missional future

COB President Bishop Tracy S. Malone and COB President-Designate Bishop Ruben Saenz lead Holy Communion during the Service of Remembrance and Resurrection on November 3, 2024, at Epworth by the Sea on Simons Island, Georgia. (COB photo.)
COB President Bishop Tracy S. Malone and COB President-Designate Bishop Ruben Saenz lead Holy Communion during the Service of Remembrance and Resurrection on November 3, 2024, at Epworth by the Sea on Simons Island, Georgia. (COB photo.)

Council of Bishops
The United Methodist Church
For immediate Release
November 14, 2024
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Council of Bishops (COB) of The United Methodist Church (UMC) is reimagining a new missional future that will enable the church to collaborate in efforts to fulfill the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

The bishops signaled that The United Methodist Church is moving forward as a diverse-world-wide Church that celebrates theological differences and diversity and claims this rich diversity as a gift from God. Meeting in person November 3-8 at Epworth by the Sea, St. Simons Island, Georgia for its Fall 2024 meeting, the bishops prayed for a future without fears.

“Heal and deliver us, The United Methodist Church from the brokenness and trauma experienced from the many years of fighting and division and separation that led to disaffiliations and the splintering of the Church,” prayed Bishop Tracy S. Malone in her presidential address.

She declared that God cannot be stopped in God’s commitment to heal, redeem, restore and rebuild the people called United Methodists, The United Methodist Church.

The semi-annual meeting began on Sunday, November 3, with the Service of Remembrance and Resurrection during which the bishops celebrated the lives and ministries of two bishops - Bishop Carlton P. Minnick, Jr. and Bishop Joseph C. Humper -who passed away since the Spring meeting.

Each day of the meeting was blessed with a morning worship service led by different bishops from different parts of the world under the theme One - With Christ, With Each Other, In Ministry.

On Monday, November 4, as the COB President, Bishop Malone, the Resident Bishop of Indiana Episcopal Area, delivered the Presidential Address. She reminded her colleagues that The United Methodist Church is the Church of Jesus Christ.

“We are moving forward as a Church that continues to be deeply rooted in the Word of God… and our faith and hope anchored in Jesus Christ,” she said, adding that, “ We are moving forward as a Church…led by the Holy Spirit… and our mission and ministry continues to be guided by our doctrinal standards, our theological task, our polity, and our social principles and our mission.”

Bishop Malone noted that the UMC was moving forward as a Church where clergy and local churches are given agency and freedom to live their faith, being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ serving their communities and engaging in ministry according to their conscience and context without judgement.

“A church where no one is compelled or required to act contrary to their convictions.”

In the ensuing days of the meeting, the bishops:
  • Welcomed the two newly elected colleagues: Bishop Kristin Stoneking and Bishop Sandra Olewine of the Western Jurisdiction;
  • Went into Executive Session to hear reports on legal matters, Regionalization, Endowment Fund, Connectional Table and 2026 Leadership Gathering update;
  • Prayed for the United States and its leaders on Election Day;
  • Discussed reports from Anti-Racism Leadership Team (led by Dr. Emmanuel Katongole) and the Task Force on Political Violence and Authoritarianism;
  • Issued a post-election pastoral letter to the church;
  • Were given a glimpse of COB Ecumenical Work and Witness by Ecumenical Officers Bishop Rosemarie Wenner and Bishop Hope Morgan Ward;
  • Met in their COB covenant groups and later with their own respective colleges;
  • Engaged with keynote speaker Rev. Dr. Paul Chilcote on the topic “Formational Work Around the Mission.”
During the closing session on Friday, November 8, the bishops took the following actions:
  • In consultation with the Executive Committee, Bishop Malone will announce during the week of December 2 the team members who will serve on the Design Team for the 2026 Leadership Gathering. The team will include bishops and lay and clergy persons from our worldwide church.
  • In light of the action of The United Methodist Church of Cote d’Ivoire declaring itself an independent Methodist Church and registering the same with the Government of Cote d’Ivoire, the COB requests the General Council on Finance and Administration to suspend all funding including any episcopal compensation and related expenses to the church in Cote d’Ivoire immediately and until further notice.
  • That General Council on Finance and Administration go to Cote d’Ivoire to inspect and secure the property of The United Methodist Church and on the funding on the projects that were funded by The United Methodist Church.
  • Request the Executive Committee to include on the agenda on the first day of in-person and virtual meetings a 5-to-6-minute PSA (public service announcement) regarding disabilities and accessibility awareness.
The meeting was attended by nearly 100 bishops from Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.
About the COB:
The Council of Bishops is made up of all active and retired bishops of The United Methodist Church. The Council meets at least once a year and plan for the general oversight and promotion of the temporal and spiritual interests of the entire Church and for carrying into effect the rules, regulations, and responsibilities prescribed and enjoined by the General Conference.

Media Contact:

Rev. Dr. Maidstone Mulenga
Director of Communications - Council of Bishops
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(202) 748-5172 (Office)

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