Volunteers in Mission

WHEREAS, the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) movement is one of the most dynamic mission outreach programs of the denomination today; every conference has a UMVIM Coordinator in place. Some jurisdictions have paid full-time UMVIM coordinator who, because of the time commitment, able to assist their respective conferences more effectively than those coordinators in a part-time or volunteer position; and

WHEREAS, although United Methodist Volunteers in Mission is a major mission outreach now, with thousands of United Methodists participating annually, the potential is much greater; and

WHEREAS, the church needs to invest in ways which will enhance the program, involve even more United Methodists, and bring Christ's love to people and churches in need around the world. Full-time jurisdictional coordinators will be a great help in the expansion of this effective, hands-on mission and service outreach of The United Methodist Church,

Therefore, we recommend that every jurisdiction include in its budget a line item to cover the salary, professional expenses, and office expenses for a jurisdictional United Methodist Volunteers in Mission coordinator. In addition, we request the General Board of Global Ministries to enter into discussion with the central conferences relative to discovering the possibility of Volunteers in Mission programs in those conferences.

resolution #55, 2004 book of resolutions
resolution #49, 2000 book of resolutions

See Social Principles, ¶ 162.

From The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church - 2008. Copyright © 2008 by The United Methodist Publishing House. Used by permission.

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