We are people of God

United Methodists are deeply-rooted People of God. #BeUMC
United Methodists are deeply-rooted People of God. #BeUMC

At times, we tend to focus on that which separates. But today, we need to remember that we are connected no matter our culture. language or where we live. As people of The United Methodist Church, we have persevered through challenges, while remaining deeply-rooted in our Wesleyan heritage. We forge into places of hurt and need, faithfully following Jesus’ directive to help our neighbors. As United Methodists, we have and continue to leave a footprint of love on this world.

During times of chaos and confusion, the “People of God” campaign is meant to serve as a reminder of who we know we are at our best—the spirit-filled, resilient, missional, connected, faithful, diverse and deeply rooted people of God called The United Methodist Church.

We, the people called United Methodists, celebrate that God’s grace meets us where we are as we grow in mission and faith.

And so today we seek to be and become the people God created us to be.

We strive to #BeUMC.

For more information and resources, visit UMC.org/PeopleofGod.

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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