Wesleys Take the Web: Directions for Singing

In this installment of our modern animated series, which features the brothers who founded Methodism, John and Charles Wesley tackle the topic of etiquette for singing in church. John Wesley offers tips like: "Sing with good courage. Sing modestly. Stay in time." In this episode, the brothers come up with helpful hints to keep everyone "on the same page" of the hymnal.

We hope you will watch and share these clips, whether with your confirmation class, new member class, Sunday school group or in other settings. See more of the Wesleys Take the Web series.

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JW: Hey brother, what are you working on?

CW: Listening to last week's service. Their singing is just not cutting it.

JW: Whose? The song leader? The choir?

CW: They're singing too meekly. They need to sing out, on the beat, but not so loud that they drown out others.

JW: Right you are! Church services should not be singing contests. It's a time when everyone can unite their voices in praise and prayer. (Singing LOUDLY) "Hail the day that sees him rise!..."

CW: Or, they think they're a rockstar on stage...

JW: ...because singing is like praying twice. I read that somewhere.

CW: They should listen and keep at a pace that everyone can sing!

JW: Yes, our songs keep us focused on God and the day's message.

CW: Great directions. How could we spread the word?

JW: I know, we'll put them right in the front of the hymnal. The community that sings together worships together! (JW sings VERY LOUDLY) "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing."

CW: Great! Now about someone singing too loud, with ONE tongue...


John Wesley's full list of Directions for Singing can be found in the front of the United Methodist Hymnal.

See a variety of topics in the animated Wesleys Take the Web series

These videos were produced as a 21st century follow up to the popular clip known as "Clayride: A Gallop Through United Methodist History."  Find out more about the making of "Clayride" from the artists who created that 1984 classic.

This video was produced by United Methodist Communications in Nashville, TN.
Media contact is Fran Walsh.
This video was first posted on May 1, 2019.

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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