Western PA youth was "on the move" for Jesus this summer

When Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi encouraged the Western PA Conference to be "on the move" with Jesus last month at Annual Conference, our conference youth were listening and have responded. Jumping into action in mission and service, WPAUMC youth have been busy this summer growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ, influencing the UMC, and promoting youth leadership.

Western PA was host to the Northeastern Jurisdiction Youth Convocation this year, highlighting youth-led worship, hands-on mission work, and fellowship at local attractions and events for youth and leaders from across the jurisdiction. 

With only two days rest, Western PA youth were back on the move and headed to Jumonville Camp & Retreat Center for Uth 4 MissionsUth 4 Missions is a yearly event where Western PA Conference youth gather for a week of outreach, worship, and service. This year, nearly 70 people participated in mission around the Connellsville and Uniontown areas.

Youth volunteered at:The Fayette County Community Action Agency Food Bank, Connellsville Area Community Ministries, Jumonville Christian Camp and Retreat Center and assisted adult leaders at Vacation Bible School

"It has been fun for everyone," said Kayleia Detar from Bakertown UMC. "It is a lot of good experience for my friends that are here for the first time."

Building relationships with other youth from around the conference is a key component to the week, and a powerful experience for both youth and their leaders. As Jackie Bull, adult leader from Lakewood UMC, commented, "It has been a wonderful experience to see the youth push through challenges, learn to work with each other, and build relationships."

Not only is Uth 4 Missions about relationship-building and fun, it is also a powerful learning experience as several youth from Dutilh UMC expressed.

"I've learned that we are stronger as communities and as long as we're together we can do anything," said Colton Ricker. 

Hope Pearson noted, "I like that we're willing to go anywhere to help people. I've learned that some people are in really tough spots and we can't judge them for that, because it's not usually their decision to be in that position."

"Youth -- God is knocking on your door, too....God has a purpose for you." said Bishop Tom Bickerton at the start of the July 11 plenary session at the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference.

God is indeed at work in the Western PA Conference, and our youth are "on the move" with and for Jesus as they help to lead our conference into the future of mission and ministry.

This story represents how United Methodist local churches through their Annual Conferences are living as Vital Congregations. A vital congregation is the body of Christ making and engaging disciples for the transformation of the world. Vital congregations are shaped by and witnessed through four focus areas: calling and shaping principled Christian leaders; creating and sustaining new places for new people; ministries with poor people and communities; and abundant health for all.

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