World Service Special Gifts

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Stock photo of young people taking a selfie from

A quarter of a century ago, the United Methodist Study on Program and Funding Patterns determined a need for a second-mile, designated-giving channel to enable general agencies to appeal directly to constituencies for specific project funding. The 1984 General Conference approved World Service Special Gifts as a test program during the 1985-88 quadrennium, and it continues today. 

Current World Service Special Gifts projects include:

  • Africa University Endowment Fund
  • Leonard Perryman Communications Scholarship for Ethnic Minority Students
  • Methodist Global Education Fund
  • National Anti-Gambling Project
  • Lay Missionary Planting Network

A World Service Special Gift is a designated financial contribution made by an individual, local church, organization, district or annual conference to a project authorized as such by the Connectional Table. All general boards and commissions, except units of general agencies authorized to receive gifts through The Advance, can recommend projects specifically related to one or more of the agency’s Disciplinary functions.

The Connectional Table establishes project-approval criteria consistent with the guidelines adopted by the General Conference, determines the process by which projects may be recommended and approved, approves projects to receive support and provides staff administration and program accountability.

The first financial responsibility of churches and individuals is to support World Service and conference benevolences and other apportioned funds. However, voluntary World Service Special Gifts are a way to support specific educational ventures and social justice. Thank you for your generous gifts!

Read stories about the impact you are making with your gifts.

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