You don't have to go it alone!
We'll deliver stories of hope and opportunities to connect right to your inbox. Compass is our bi-weekly newsletter, providing you with several opportunities each month for building connection and inspiring hope.
We are collecting your email so that we are able to send you the newsletter. The other information is optional and will help build your profile as UMCOM further implements features enable each user to customize their communication and details. We look forward to being more interactive with our subscribers.
Your privacy matters. United Methodist Communications will never share, trade or sell your personal information. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in each email. See our privacy policy.
Check out more resources

This bi-monthly podcast talks with special guests
about how they are encountering spirituality in
surprising ways, like facing up to their own self-doubt,
asking questions, or hanging out with their kids.
There is a church in your area hosting virtual worship
services. There are also unique faith communities
connecting over games, streaming platforms and
social media platforms.

The United Methodist Church is a global
denomination that opens hearts, opens
minds and opens doors through active
engagement with our world.