Online Course: God's Presence in Life's Challenges

18 - 26

Aug 2025 - Sep 2025

12:00 AM - 12:00 PM

GMT -6:00 Central Time

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Every human has felt the presence of a Goliath. In place of a sword and shield your Goliath may brandish blades of unemployment, abandonment, or depression. He doesn’t roam ancient hills; he prances through your office, your bedroom, your classroom. He brings bills you can’t pay, addictions you can’t resist, a past you can’t shake, and a future you can’t face. How long has your Goliath stalked you? Invaded your first morning thought and final night-time worry? Are your inner Goliaths growing? Everyone has a problem so overwhelming it is seems gigantic. Whether your overwhelming problem is grief you can’t deal with, divorce that has ravaged your family, or an addiction that has a clamp on your willpower, this course will help you to look towards solutions. Daily reading and engagement on the discussion board, according to the guidelines provided by the instructor on the first day, are required for success in this course.

Type of Event: Other UM-related Organizations
Intended Audience: All
Event Sponsor: Annual Conference - Great Plains
Affiliated United Methodist Organization:

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