
United Methodists gather for a Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve at St. Matthew UMC in Fort Worth, Texas. Photo by Angelia Sims of Angelia's Photography.

As we anticipate the coming of Christ and celebrate his birth, we reflect on our commitment to be Christ-centered people of God. The birth of Jesus tells us of God’s grace and love for each of us, that ‘while we were yet sinners,’ Jesus came to reconcile us to God. 

Through the joy and wonder of this season, we are reminded that the light of Christ shines brightly, illuminating our path and calling us to share love with others.

An Advent wreath with one lit candle represents the first week of Advent. Photo by Kathleen Barry, United Methodist Communications.

United Methodists nurture their faith through public acts of worship and private acts of devotion.

United Methodists nurture their faith through public acts of worship and private acts of devotion.

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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