
Refugees from Ukraine live and pray in Cornești, Romania, where The United Methodist Church of Romania is helping provide support. Courtesy of UM News

As United Methodists, we recognize our connections to God, others and the created world.

We speak different languages, are immersed in various cultures, and sometimes disagree. Yet we worship together, serve together, and learn from one another.

Our worldwide connection empowers us to love and serve God and our neighbors in ways that we could do on our own.

The connections we find in our faith communities, both in local United Methodist churches and in our global denomination, are special gifts from God.

The connections we find in our United Methodist faith communities are gifts from God. In service, worship and celebration, we find love, joy and hope.

The Bible tells us to build each other up. (Thessalonians 5:11) We thank God for the people in our lives, both nearby and at a distance, who encourage us. Photo from Casa Linda United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2018, courtesy of United Methodist Communications with Canva design.

Start a conversation with your family about how we are connected to one another and people around the world.

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